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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

if i bang my head against the wall will you stop?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who just wouldn't get it? I don't mean doesn't get it, or can't get it, but purposefully set their brain to not get it. You throw fact A, B, and C, and they refuse to even hear any word you're saying. Hell, they start picking out the 'real' meanings behind the statements and now all of a sudden you find yourself defending against accusations that you slept with a waitress in Cancun in 2008 when all you were talking about was what you wanted for dinner.

I have these conversations quite often with people. I mean we all do to varying degrees. Working in tech does that for me, as people still cant figure out how we got that magical elf into their machine, or how we get him to do their work faster. Those convo's arent bad...the ones that drive me almost bat shit crazy are the ones with an EX. Good lord.... Wait, I see a lot of you out there shaking your heads. Really? So you know what I am talking about? WOW...a large majority of you do. I think I am panicky.

Has this ever happened to you?
  • They still want to know what you're doing.
  • Who you're with.
  • What you ate, and why
  • What's the name of the whore/asshole you fucking had the nerve to get with AFTER you broke up and how that is still a form of cheating. (funny thing is they have a person of their own)
  • Calls to talk about one thing that transform into a fight about something else that isnt up for discussion.
My people...I HAVE!!! I fight the urge with all my strength to GO THE FUCK OFF! I want to turn it into a street battle. I want to break out the mental equivalent of a gatling gun and unload verbal round after verbal round decimating the very fabric of strength and being. Basically, i want to sit like a Roman general on the field of battle and unleash hell. I want to enter in the verbal nuclear codes and make Hiroshima look like a pellet gun. If I could master the Vulcan Mind meld and use it to erase the very thoughts of their heads and reduce the person to a child....well actually that wouldnt be that hard to do. Isnt this the normal response?

Still I don't! Nope...cant do it...won't do it...SHALL NOT DO IT. I will admit I have run out of polite and creative ways around this situation. I am currently trying to master the art of fighting...without fighting, like my master Bruce Lee, but it is definitely hard. So I ask you...what do you guys do? Do you go all out Rambo, or have you figure out a way to respond without responding?


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