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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Funny thing about being me...

You know how you go through your whole life defining yourself? Well, I was recently thinking about this as I was getting asked simple, logical, and insulting questions during a pre-trial.
"Is it ok if you see your son every other Thursday?"
FUCK YOU MUTHAFUCKA! That is my son, and no it is not fucking ok despite what the fuck she is saying. That came out: 'No, you're taking my days away, and this not ok'.

It hit me after a few more gems like this that some people are just a piece of shit and dont do anything with their lives. They would rather blame you and me, and society for their ills, instead of work or better themselves so that they can support themselves. They would rather see you devastated and miserable instead of doing the right thing.

See, growing up i modeled myself after my dad and mom, taking from them, learning from them, studying them. I knew there were certain things i couldnt get away with and being a shiftless deadbeat with zero morals wasnt going to fly. Along the way, my Uncle and Aunt taught me even more. Taught me to be happy, and that it was ok to dream bigger. It was ok to have some fun and reinforced what it was like to be happy with one another. My friends...well those sons of bitches made sure my head didnt get to big. Christ, i think sometimes they reveled in it too much, but they were also there when i needed them. This is how i and my siblings were raised, and for this, People HATED on us all the time because of it. HATED that our parents protected us so much. HATED on us because they were 'obnoxious' about how well we did or behaved like that is a sin. HATED that they pushed us to do well and were always so involved. HATED that our friends were family, and acted like it.

Why do I bring this up? Because I am awesome! This occurred to me when a lawyer walked up to my dad, and shook his hand, and told him, "Your son is an honorable man." This occurred to me when my uncle and aunt put their arm around my shoulders and told me Monday, it is going to be ok. This occurred to me when my friend and co-worker took time to be with me and offered to buy my a beer despite having the world on his shoulders. This occurred to me when the woman was more nervous that i was because i was going into war. This occurred to me when my new female bff supportd me and was ready to erupt in a courtroom because i was getting screwed. This occurred to me when my best friend, her husband, slapped my back as hard as he could and said..."you're free man...enjoy it. it's over."

A funny thing about me is that i am awesome, because no one i know would let me be otherwise. No serious, they almost enjoy it too much when i fuck up so that they can beat me up. Still, that is why i am awesome...oh and one more thing...I ROLL DEEP!...I roll real fucking deep, and WE are down for whatever!

Rage Against the Machine - testify


JokeyJokemaker316 said...
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JokeyJokemaker316 said...

I don't get it. What are you trying to say? Your message gets lost in this grand opus that is the love poem to yourself. I mean, if there is one fucking defining theme, one magic moment in this horseshit, hackneyed, triumph-over-tragedy tale, what is it?


JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Wait up dude, cancel my comment. I just re-read that shit. I get it now. I get stuff.