Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, January 22, 2010

I need to calm down

I am in a better place now, and have calmed doen from my anger over Lebron James, and the shameless acolytes that follow him around (FAGMAEL). I have decided to not let it ruin my weekend, Towith, I have Come up with a challenge. I want you all to submit, for the Blog's approval, your list of the 5 WORST SONGS ON YOUR IPOD. Send in a list with the songs you would be embarrased to have come up in a shuffle mix if your IPOD were connected to a sound system. Send in the list that would make people go :What the fuck?" Send in the list of songs that would cause me to seek you out and talk shit to you in a loud and belligerent manner. Winner will have their list played at Rolando's birthday party 1/30/10 by me, in a loud and belligerent manner. I am Expecting Dominic the Donkey from Isa, and probably Who Let the Dogs Out from Fagmael. Attach your list as a comment below and GOOD LUCK.

Jokey Jokemaker
king of belligerence

1 comment:

strawberrykiss said...

i'm afraid it's not weird music i have on my shuffle. most people would probably be thrown off by the Savage Love podcasts, the Japanese Learning lessons...there is some bad music on the Tributo a Queen cd, Bjork's 107 steps is just her counting from 1-107...