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Monday, September 28, 2009

Why I refuse to help kill the "N" word

I applaud this young man for dropping (or attempting to drop) mad knowledge. He even makes some excellent points. But he's terribly misinformed.

It's easy for advocates for the death of the "N" word to point to all of the positive in the experience of the former African slaves in the United States. The election of Black politicians. Success of Black professionals. The success of Black Athletes. However all of this positive ignores the reality that over 50% of the Black population lives below the federal poverty line. Lack of economic opportunity often leads to lower education standards (especially since school budgets are determined by tax revenue and the tax base in most Black communities is significantly lower than say white suburbia). The dominoes continue to fall to the point that a whole generation of Black children grow up with entertainers as their heroes. Lil' Wayne is now a role model. Rims, jewelry, and the ability to "make it rain" are now symbols of success. Based on the young man's definition of the "N" word in the video above, eradicating the use of the word ignores the fact that niggas still exist.

I cannot advocate, co-sign, or even endorse the cessation of use of the word when people continue to behave in such a manner that justifies it's use. Such foolish behavior that continues to plague Blacks can really only be summed up in one word--the "N" word. Tomfoolery, foolishness, idiocy--none of these words do what niggas do justice. "Nigga shit", or coonery if you will, is unique. Much like there are only certain behaviors associated with rednecks and trailer trash, you KNOW when you've seen or heard about some coonery. You instantly know who was involved. You don't need to see pictures. You don't need to know identities.

I'd even argue that use of the word should not be confined to Blacks. Thanks to globalization and the internet, it's hot for people of all races and creeds to imitate the coonish behaviors that were popularized by Blacks. It's why we have "whiggers". It's why we have Japanese cats rockin' do' rags and sags. It's why cheap imitations of designer items is a hot Chinese export--but for the demand increase proliferated by gangster rap no one would care about Louis V. How much money one drops in a strip joint wouldn't be a badge of honor, it'd be an embarrassment. So long as we as people in general continue to support (and by support I mean give positive attention to) such behavior, there will always be niggas. Niggas have nigga kids who in turn grow up to be niggas. Non-nigga children grow up and see the success of other niggas and how they are "ballin'" and begin to imitate the behavior--thus becoming a nigga. If Darwinism is even remotely correct, niggas will soon be the dominant species. Like roaches they don't die--they multiply.

You want to kill the "N" word? Then rid the world of niggas. Concentrating them into projects and ghettos didn't work; now we put them in "mixed income communities" with the hope that being outnumbered by "civilized" folk will show them how ignorant being a nigga really is. I pray this actually works. But until it does I will call a spade a spade, and a nigga the "N" word.

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