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Friday, June 26, 2009

A little self-involved are we???

I have found over the past 2 to 3 years that a lot of Packer fans are ambivalent about ex-Packer Brett Favre. In 2006 while still attending school i would have conversations regarding the replacement of Brett by young up and comer Aaron Rodgers. About 50 percent were for it and 50 against. Then the summer of 2008 arrived.

Boy was Wisconsin in for a surprise. Brett retired after many many years in gold ol' green and gold and shed many tears at his retirement news conference. But then, in late July he declared he would like to come back and lead his mighty team to victories once more. However, Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy decided that was not the best of ideas.

Why would we want to bring back the all time leader in touchdowns thrown, interceptions thrown, consecutive games by a QB, painkillers ingested and so on and so on who led us to the NFC Championship game the previous year?!

So Brett goes on to play for the NY Jets and yadda, yadda, yadda, he might end up playing for the Minnesota Vikings this year. I read on websites and hear through conversation good and bad regarding this decision. I am here to focus on the bad which is, "If Brett throws on that damn purple and gold jersey he is dead to me".

These are the same people who praised his name during his tenure with the Packers. Who stood by him during his pain killer times. Who with every interception didn't mind because he was the ultimate "Bear Killer". Not only a Bear killer but a guaranteed 4 to 5 wins within your own division. That is huge considering you would only need to win about 50% of your remaining games to make the playoffs.

A man who owned the NFC North/Central for more than a decade. Now i do not have to tell you how many quarterbacks the Chicago Bears have been through since Brett Favre grabbed the reigns over at Lambeau. John Madden went over that stat many times in his Monday night career. But i do have to tell you that your hate will take you no where.

Because Brett played for the Jets and might play for the Vikings does not take away the blood sweat and tears that he literally shed for you for over 15 years. The pain of playing through a broken finger. The pain of playing through fighting a drug addiction. The pain of playing through his father dying the night before and still lighting up a sorry ass excuse for a secondary that the raiders throw out year after year.

And i hear all this talk about the Hall of Fame. I do not want him going in as a Packer if he plays for the Vikings.


How dumb are you?!?!? You call yourself a football fan? Football players are not enshrined as a player for a team. They are enshrined as a player! There is no logo on their forehead. There is no helmet on their bust (for you lower level Packer fans out there, this is a sculpture of a person's head, shoulders and chest, not a woman's breasts).

If a player plays for 5 years with the Steelers then 5 years with the Chargers and were a high enough quality player to be inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame they do not flip a coin and pick which team they go in under. They go in as "John Doe" greatest whatever to play the game.

Point being. Respect the man! I know he is a super diva and likes the thrill of should i retire or not. But your Packer organization gave him up for an unqualified, untested starter. Packers went what? 5-11 last year with 2 of those wins coming against the Lions. From the NFC Championship to the cellar all to prove you have big enough balls to say we do not want him back. Well guess what! The Vikings just need a consistent enough QB to complement AD. Maybe they have that in dude from Houston or from Brett. Oh and guess what! Bears went out and traded for a Pro Bowl QB who just might make the receivers better and throw some TD's to Olsen. And if they straighten up their defense, uh oh!

This man has played his heart out for years without using PED's, that we know of, unlike the Rocket, so let him do what he wants. He has earned that right. Packer fans might say that i am a Bear's fan and what do i know about QB's. Exactly! What do i know? But i do know this. A certain guard, 6'6" from North Carolina played his heart out for a team and brought them 6 championships. Come the end of his career he made some weird decisions. Decisions that cost him two championships that might have given him 8 in a row. This would have placed him in a league that only the legendary Celtics have been in.

Did i disown him? No, I understood what he did for his team our city and the game.

So next time you follow some overrated linebackers way of thinking and say that he is the enemy. Remember those 3 MVP's he earned, the 1 NFL Championship he brought to Green Bay and most of all, all the spine tingling plays he made for you each and every Sunday.

And please please please if you regard yourself as any type of fan. Learn how to spell his damn name!!!


Schassy said...

The only one self-involved here is Brett. I don’t think you can compare Jordan’s weird decisions to what Brett is doing. Brett’s decision to be a Viking is not his desire to win a Super Bowl, his love of the game, or his connections to the Viking coaching staff but out of pure spite and his hatred for the Packer organization.

I would never go as far to say his actions should ban him from going into the Hall of Fame as a Packer. I am grateful for the 16 years of resilience and leadership he provided to my team but he decided several years ago he plays only for himself. Ted Thompson may have had his own agenda for moving ahead with Aaron Rodgers but as a Packer fan I needed to move on from all the drama. I couldn’t imagine life without #4, but after several years I grew tired of his indecisiveness. Brett earned the right to take his time but was asked to make his decision before the draft so the team could make the proper adjustments. This isn’t unreasonable. It’s a business after all…not personal. Did he really earn the right to wait until July? August? Was this really in the best interest of the organization or fans or him?

Brett’s last game as a Packer tells it all. One more win and another chance at a Super Bowl – one of the only reasons he claims to be playing for – and he looked cold, old, and dreamin’ of Mississippi warmth. There was no desire to be there. Jet players and fans get it now. The Vikings will soon learn. This isn’t the Brett that I enjoyed watching all those years. He is a selfish man running on pure hatred that can’t even fuel him through a whole season. Maybe a win or 2 against the Pack this year will give him the closure he needs. As a Bear fan you couldn’t get it – you're hoping to benefit from another whiney Bus Cook client QB. I am hoping your organization will never have a QB around long enough for you to ever understand.

I am Jack's Colon said...

Yes, Jay was complaining. How dare he complain that his new coach try to bring in a new QB under Jay's nose. As an athlete they are bred from birth to believe that they are the 1. If you are dating a new person what if they brought someone else in while dating just to test out the waters and see if they are better than you are. Wouldn't you feel a bit salty?

Your hatred for the Bears and never wanting to see them have a QB is fair to say. Good luck to you and your organization through the Aaron Rodgers era. You saying that does show, however, how classless Packer fans are.

Without Papa Bear there would be no Packer team for you to root for. Remember that when you are showing disrespect.

Schassy said...

Why have we become such a sensitive society? Enough with the inflated egos. Take your millions, shut your mouth, and just play already. How long should the Packer organization have let Brett ponder retirement? Should there have been a deadline? Does 16 years of service give him the right to wait until game time? I don't believe asking him to decide meant he wasn't wanted by the organization. Or maybe they didn't ask nicely enough so it hurt poor Brett's self esteem. This isn't dating - this isn't friendship - this is business. You can't run a professional team and not think of the future. Free agency, injuries - you need to be sure you put a competitive team out there game after game and fill the seats. In sports there are winners, losers, rivalries. Maybe all games should end in a tie so everyone feels good about themselves. I don't see White Sox and Cub fans hugging and wishing each other well this weekend. I was a Packer fan before Brett and remain a fan after. This means I want to see a strong NFC North but I also want my team to win it. So if finding the revolving door of Bears QBs or most of the Lion organization as comical right now makes me classless in your eyes that's fine... I see myself as a loyal fan who will always root for my team win or lose.

I am Jack's Colon said...

Your loyalty is applauded. However, your definition of competition is a bit contradictory. How are you able to have a strong NFC North if a team or any team throws out a comical carousal of quarterbacks? You cannot have both?

A track star doesn't line up for the race and wish for the guy in the nest lane to have a heart attack. Then the guy in he next lane will break his ankle halfway through the race so he has an easy victory. Maybe they do but then they are not really a true competitor if that is the case. That is not how it works.

Also, i am not a Bears fan. You know what happens when i make assumptions. Simply because i lived in Chicago doesn't automatically make me a fan of the team. Houston Texans do the death baby!!!

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

Favre was half-way decent. He was also a drama queen like phil jackson and the one year contracts.


Mr. Obvious