Shout OUT!

HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


ok- it's been a while and it's 2:16am...i guess im not a LAME-O bc i do have a "partygirl"- i could have been so still out right now ...not so much bc i like to party (bc i actually dont :) but bc im not sleepy at all so figured "hey! ill just blog:)"

i actually havent blogged bc ive been very proactive...if i feel like "blogging" (usually some weird emotion is going on) -ive taken up the activity of powerwalking/jogging. I love it soo much! esp the jogging! BOOOY do i feel like a winner when i jog! Joggin is so mental it's not even funny! I always thought running was about fitness but really if you can see yourself running you can run. Sometimes i run to "run" away from my troubles and boooy does that work! i can run like a cheetah when i do channel that negative energy in me (which unfortunately is alot :/ ) - it's like im sweating off all that bad stuff! AMAZING! if you do not run - do try it! it's great! :)

So anywho today i went to some intro of some Landmark Forum? I'm prety much convinced and even if might (maybe :) talk shit about it in this blog lol i plan to do it :)

So this is some 3 day course and 1 evening that is supposed to transform your life...being the cynical person i am I think :" how is that possible?" esp when i have been trying to do that the past 3 years!!??

but according to this group it is? i have decided to try it even though many people i know that were in it already seem upbeat and positve and have job satistfaction! im quite the opposite- cynical , pessimistisc etc but will do it anyway...So im wondering where they liKe this before the forum or did it come after :) :L

i wouldnt be able to answer that but do know that i need help and see this as a good thing :)

so we shall see?? i have decided to join "group therapy!"...the cult!.....

and have ALOT to say about my experience today and why im joining but will leave it at that for now and will blog about it once im definitely in...hmmmm (thanks Rey for inviting me to the informational ;)

have a good night! :)

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