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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Women's Bathrooms

OK, I have to comment on this and see if I can get some confirmation, clarity or sanity about it.

Men all over the world and through the history of time have always thought that the Women's washroom was the cleanest thing in whatever location they were at. When we are standing in line for the urinal or the crap locker that passes for a stall, we envision the posh setting of the women's washroom. We weigh the consequences and make peace with what is the worst that can happen if we decided to sneak over there and use it.

So imagine my bone chilling disgust when i heard how terrible the women's washroom really is. This news totally rocked my world. I am telling u honestly right now, that only married men know that women take a dump and that is their spouse only. Most guys truly think that when a woman goes to the washroom with her friends, they are either talking shit about them or re-enacting the scene from Pulp Fiction...GOD DAMN, I SAID GOD DAMN.

My world is rocked...and I just want to let women know...i now know how disgusting you really are!

How do i know about this ancient secret? Well recently a couple of teammates of mine were commenting on how nice the washroom was and i was surprised.
"aren't they all really posh with sofas and shit?" -naive iz3y!

"FUCK NO...Bar bathrooms are terrible. Woman don't care so they just...." -confidential source

I won't repeat the rest because i blacked out. Totally messed me up. I will now sit in the corner of my shower stall hoping to rinse the grime off of me. Praying the pain will stop.




iz3y! said...

One thing in Europe as you taking a crap or leak women go in and clea the restroom.. imagine my surprice as I was just takign a leak and a women gets closer to me to clean the urinal next to me LOL

J - posted by SW

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

I sure am glad we gave fishmael a forum to tell us what stupid little thing is on his mind at any given hour of any given day spent not working. DAMN GLAD.

Jacoby Shaddix