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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

batting leadoff

so let me start with an explanation for this blog...a blog about our blog.

Me and my friends have been friends since 1991 and we have too much stupid stuff to say. In 1995, we all got pagers so that we could share insightful stuff like, "Hey, I am bored...let's go bowling!" Since then, we have all grown up and despite, time, space, women and school, we have stayed the best of friends. We have also developed our own unique perspective on life and probably some of the cruelest jokes and lines for each other.

So what is the point of all of this? Well, two of us, Omar and myself have decided to rant it out. Get our words on the interweb and see what happens. Hell this could fail miserably or be a source of humor for you cube jockeys who pine away all day and ask, how the hell does Omar keep coming up with lines that crush my soul?

We have absolutely no format, no topic, and quite honestly, I have no idea what the hell he will post. As a matter of fact right now, I have it on good authority, he is currently meditating in his cave preparing his post, and trust me when I say, you should be prepared for anything.

My other two friends don't know this yet, but they will be involved as well, so lets go with a quick overview of who I am and the person who just wasted 10-15 min of your life when u read this. I hope my compatriots will do the same, but i promise nothing.

NAME: Ismael J Lopez
Nickname: iz3y, scrubbington J (bowling name), Fish! (u better be related to call me that)
From: Chicago, IL
AGE: 30 going on 13
Interests: Sports, Tech, and music...I also dont shy from plotting ur demise

I will be one of the Four Winds...i hope u enjoy, and if u dont, oh well...we really dont care.

1 comment:

FourWinds said...

Jokey Jokemake here, and I cannot begin to express the absolute joy and anger I have about this blog. Yes, I want people to hear what I have to say. Yes, I fear they will not understand me. Yes, I feel that i have valid points. No, I do not take myself to seriously. No, I am not crazy. So, to summarize my stance:

"I cannot begin to express the absolute joy and anger I have about this blog. Yes, I want people to hear what I have to say. Yes, I fear they will not understand me. Yes, I feel that i have valid points. No, I do not take myself to seriously. No, I am not crazy."

I look forward to speaking on, and listening to views on various topics. hatemail is, as always, welcome. Please address to Thanks

Jokey Jokemaker