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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fat White women are ruining our nation.


Sorry, I just got a little carried away. I was late to my job this morning, because there was a stream of mostly large white women causing traffic jam at the Target on my route to work. I looked around for Pimpalicious, because wherever large white women are found, he is most likely to be lurking about. When I got to my job, I realized that some co workers were missing. I inquired why, figuring that Target Pharmacy had some new drug that could cure Cancer, or treat Autism. Turns out what they had was black and white zig zag scarves.

I was immediately saddened by this and then slightly angered. It does not take much to anger me these days, because I look around and see Obama on TV talking about this, that, and the other in regards to how his plan will help the economy. I hear this bleak news, and Obama’s message of hope and fantasy, and find it in stark contrasts to what I am seeing every day. Mossoni,(sp?) an Italian (?) designer has recently teamed with Target to provide knitted dresses and shirts ranging from 40-60 dollars. I understand that this designer became famous by selling black and white scarves for 200-300 bucks a pop. The lines outside of Target seemed huge considering that it wasn’t black Friday, and the clothes were not on any kind of sale.

The message that politicians out and consumers communicate back is one that does not sync up. I refuse to believe that people’s hopes are buoyed by Obama’s empty words. Americans are not that fickle. Perhaps these shopping sprees or erratic consumer spending are people who save up for months to buy these scarves, but I doubt it. Until this kind of spending goes away, there will be no reason for congress to think they have to act to address budget concerns. I mean, how can people go around and talk about a depression, when people are jumping out of bed to buy 60 dollar scarves. Reports recently came out saying that 49% of Americans are living under the poverty line of $22,113 for a family of four with 2 kids, or $11,344 for a single adult younger than 65. I find it hard to believe that a family will spend half a direly needed paycheck to purchase a single 200 dollar scarf, or even a 60 dollar one for that matter. Until this conflicting consumer behavior pattern is addressed, things will only get worse. I have a suggestion…….Germans!

Americans need to look to the Germans, YES, the Germans for clues as to how to get out of this oppressive economic situation. The Germans started saving YEARS ago, and practiced frugality. This was done when the economy was prosperous. Now that the economy is bad, and European countries are in danger of going out of business like Borders or Circuit City, Germany is still practicing frugality and economic restraint. In Fact, Germany may be the only country to survive from the EU and its horrible decision to accept the Euro as standard currency. Germany joined in the fun and good times, but kept being responsible. As well. I am not saying let’s do away with 200 dollar scarves and such, I am saying let’s be responsible in how we pay for that scarf. We do not need another credit bubble bursting like housing did.

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