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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I am not saying I am sexy but.........

Hello friends,

     It is I, the one and only Jokey Jokemaker.  If you meet someone claiming to be Jokey Jokemaker on the street, like over by the Northside, like over by Humboldt Park, in a shady bar, having drinks, and trying to score with the ladies, ask him for ID.  If you get anything other than a punch in the face, it's not me.  ALso, if they are not smoking hot, its not me.  YOu can tell its me because I am so hot:

  1. Rabbits fought over my foreskin.
  2. My Balls have no expiration date.
  3. I fart pheromones.
  4. In high school, I was voted "Most Likely to be Ravished by Women like I was the freakin Gaza Strip"
  5. My Cock has its own stickbroker series 7 liscnece
  6. I'm being circled by tri-sexuals.
  7. I'm built like a brick bathhouse.
  8. You can tell my age by cutting down, and counting the rings in my cock
  9. They squeeze pics of me in Google earth 3-d only because I am in my pool in awesome shorts. 
  10. I have to add extra bodyguards whenever I lick my lips.
  11. I always carry a backup testicle.
  12. My cock enters the room 3 minsutes before I do.
  13. Each one of My balls has its own set of stalkers.
  14. My cock is so big, it has an elbow
  15. My cock is so big, i have to buy it a shoe.


Sho-Nuff said...

Having an awesome cock (or believing you do) doesn't make u sexy--it makes you COCKy...

JokeyJokemaker316 said...

I am quite cocksure....go ahead, look it up.