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HAPPY BDAY to Bella Baggins (7/6) and the BIGS (7/13)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

izzy hearts Public Transportation....

Why drive when u can ride? Why battle the murderous infantile morons who pile into their metal killing machines and ride you like a stripper in vegas hurting for money for her next fix? izzy believes jumping on the bus is a breeze. A crisp breeze on a spring morning as you stare out and watch life transform into a wonderful mozaic playing out live. The blur that is life spun together to create art. izzy will stare at the half awake drivers and almost watch as little more of their soul gets sapped away as they sit in traffic. Izzy knows public transportation offers u a chance to really see the a city or town. It is an accurate sampling of the people, aka the soul of a place. Tourists, they have their tour on double decker buses or boats, but izzy knows Public Transportation can show u more, be more. Day to day though is the real benefit. Izzy dreams of the hour to chill, and relax before going to work. Izzy appreciates what amounts to a brief getaway at the end of the day going home.

iz3y knows there is nothing more exilerating than waking up, getting ready and walking 2-3 blocks to catch Public Transportation in Chicago. Through rain, sleet or snow, you walk as the wind hits ur face, knowing that at any moment, you will see your mechanical tormentor zoom by. iz3y swears he can see a bastard smirk on the beast, but still, iz3y endures. iz3y stares at this GPS tracker that tells him his next ride through the river Styx is on its way in 12 minutes. This is but one feature that caused iz3y's fare to jump, then jump again, then jump yet again despite no improvement in service. When 15 min pass, he checks again only to be assured that it is arriving. So iz3y strains and stares deep into the asphalt distance and sees nothing remotely resembling his carriage. Still iz3y is given notice via the precise GPS device that his transport will soon be there. When it arrives there is no guarantee, iz3y will arrive in any kind of timely fashion. Oh no, a feature of this particular ride is the tortoise like speed we are traveling, so that every building looks like a still picture instead of a blur. Women on walkers zoom by at green lights as we wait, practicing Shaolin monk patience with a driver who obviously is at work, while the rest of us only dream to arrive. If only Hera would direct her rage elsewhere instead of placing us under the whims of a mad man driver skilled in the art of torture. iz3y loves interacting with people and being so close to another human on days we are squeezed on the bus like sardines, particulary on hot days when the windows wont open and with Air Conditioning that failed 100 trips ago. iz3y at least is not stuck in traffic to pay 20 dollars to park his car.

We appreciate that our journey is not the just arrival at the destination, but the experiences, memories, and friends we have collected along the way.


Zero 7 - Destiny


JokeyJokemaker316 said...




iz3y! said...

dude fill that whole in ur heart with love or contempt..whatever...but please quit being a dick for like 10 min. U might find u enjoy life. That or rack something that is not ur hand.